Vulcania Homusubi
"The Sparkplug Genius"
Vulcania is more aggressive and confrontational than a proper Valkyrian Commander should be, and her brash attitude isn't terribly sympathetic. On the flip side, though, Vulcania fierce personality makes her a fun spectacle, and she can quickly dominate any scene where she appears.
It's true that any aspiring Commander needs confidence and courage, and Vulcania has a great deal of both, enough so that she can take command of any fight and excite the units with her ferocious antics and verbal warfare.
During her academy days at the Valkyrian Officer School she stood out like a sore thumb with her boisterous attitude. She solved everything through combat and smashing things.
The academy instructors named her the “The Sparkplug”. Once battle started and got heated, she turned into a rampaging skilled warrior and officer. Due to her success in the battlefield, she was promoted to Command Duty and was assigned the 12th Valkyrian division. They are now known as the “Red Devils” due to her hair color and tenacious fighting attitude.
Sparky Personality
Full of energy
Smashing Stuff
Combat Training
Playing Drums

Reserve Cards

Spell Cards

Ability Cards
12th Army Cards

Core Cards